Tuesday, August 30, 2011


How do you heal a dying district? YOU MUST INCLUDE THEM IN THE HEALING PROCESS!
Some may beg to differ that the 1st District isn't a dying one, but it is. Just because things are "good" for you in your home, on your street, in your neighborhood, does not mean that things are good in someone else's home, on their street, in their neighborhood, in the same DISTRICT. When you vote...you vote for your DISTRICT representative; not just YOUR neighborhood representative. For those who think that "all is well", just ride through the areas of West Bay Street and beyond. The decision would be unanimous that certain areas of the District are neglected. Areas that use to be thriving communities are areas that are now housing dilapidated, vandalized, and vacant homes.

To revive our District, healing must take place. Healing is not an easy process. You cannot have the promise of a better community without going through the process that it takes to rebuild one and it must include your "star players"..the residents. "How can two walk together unless they agree?" It has to start with an agreement. There must be an understanding that change is necessary. There are many deprived areas in the 1st District and residents are screaming out for help, only to be pacified and not satisfied. Tax dollars are not evenly distributed throughout the District; causing some areas to increase and others to decrease. Take a look at some of the photos. These are some photos (there are many more), from different areas in the 1st District, that reveals that it is evident, that...It's time for change!

What's next?

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