Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Why are you running for office?

“Many are called and few are chosen.” I was chosen to do this and it was not by man. I am not a pawn or a puppet. No one came to my door and asked me to run for this position of service. I am running, because I am tired of the lack of services that the 1st District is receiving and the feel of being represented by a person who has gotten comfortable in position. I am running, because City Council has made too many costly, continuous, and careless mistakes. Many of those mistakes are at the taxpayer’s expense. I am running for this office, because I am not seeking to become popular, but to provide service and be a servant” in” and “with” my District. I come from a family of service, whether that is service to our country or service in the community. ”To much is given, much is required” There is no need to obtain knowledge and education to sit on it and not make a difference. It’s time to clean house! We need innovative, fresh ideas, new concepts from people who have learned from past and current mistakes and failures; a group of people who can have logical, intelligent, focused, and respectable conversation with one another towards the good of the City of Savannah.

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